Переклад авторських неологізмів роману А. Сапковського «Ostatnie życzenie»


Сторінки 93-97, Випуск 19, 2020 рік

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2019-19-19
Надійшла / Paper received : 29.09.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 04.11.2020

Хмельницький національний університет

Stanislavova L.
Khmelnytsky National University

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Проаналізовано особливості перекладу авторських неологізмів, представлених у романі А.Сапковського «Ostatnie życzenie», на матеріалі трьох українських перекладних текстів мовою. Схарактеризовано способи, використані для перекладу авторських неологізмів, визначено раціональність їх застосування.
Ключові слова: неологізм, переклад, спосіб перекладу, стратегія перекладу

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The article is devoted to the problem of translating individually author’s neologisms  from Polish into Ukrainian, based on the neologisms presented in Andrzej Sapkowski’s novel «Ostatnie życzenie». These neologisms are the names of mythical creatures, in other words, creatures included in A. Sapkowski’s bestiary. The typology of the mentioned individually author’s neologisms according to the way of their creation is presented. Most of these neologisms are the result of application of the morphological way of word formation, neologisms-borrowing, semantic neologisms are also presented.
The methods of translation of neological names of mythical creatures by three authors of Ukrainian translations of the novel has been analysed . It had found  that different translators in certain cases choose different ways of translating names-neologisms, creating Ukrainian analogues-neologisms, selecting neologisms-borrowings or using common Ukrainian lexemes . Such a practice deserve to exist . However, the translator must adhere to a certain chosen translation strategy, giving to the reader the opportunity to navigate in the semantic and grammatical motivation of Ukrainian equivalents in  foreign individually author’s neological names. In the analyzed translations, in our opinion, S. Legez successfully coped with this translation task, he most fully used the arsenal of methods of translating neologisms, in most cases preserving the models of neologism creation used by A. Sapkovsky.
Ryabchuk tried to convey the meaning of the names of mythical creatures as clearly as possible for the Ukrainian reader, but this sometimes caused quite distant from the original ideas about the described creatures.
In the translations of the names of mythical creatures in the text of N. Mykhailivska, G. Syneoka the desire to recreate fantastic realities by Ukrainian linguistic and literary expressive means  is seen. It seems that this choice of Ukrainian equivalents, which are tracings or approximate translations, somewhat neutralizes the mystical coloring of the names of the creatures, felt in the original text.
Keywords: neologism, translation, method of translation, translation strategy.


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