Сторінки 25-28, Випуск 19, 2020 рік
Надійшла / Paper received: 11.09.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed: 02.11.2020
Левицька Н. В.
Хмельницький національний університет
Levitska N.
Khmelnytsky National University
Анотація мовою оригіналу
У статті розглянуто основні підходи до проблеми нормативності та варіативності німецької мови, проаналізовано систему становлення вимови німецької мови, особливостей лексикографічної системи німецької вимовної норми в контексті процесу формування і розвитку німецької літературної мови, визначено основні тенденції розвитку норми літературної німецької мови у фонетичному контексті.
Ключові слова: норма, літературна німецька мова, варіативність, орфоепія, кодифікація, розвиток.
Розширена анотація англійською мовою
Linguists emphasize the importance of a structural-systematic approach to language learning, which helps to increase interest in solving the problem of language normativeness. The term “norm”, like many other terms in linguistics, is polysemous. At the same time, an important and still insufficiently disclosed aspect of the study of language norms is the definition of its essence in nationally heterogeneous languages, in particular in German standard language, which actualizes the study of autonomous norms of national variants of German, their identical and nationally specific features. Understanding the uniqueness of the codification of phonetic realities in the German language is relevant in the context of the traditions of Western European lexicography and the process of globalization and increasingly affects the linguistic spheres.
The article is dedicated to the study of the notion of German orthoepic norm, the problem of its definition and mechanisms of its formation. The notion of the norm is rather ambiguous and its different aspects are usually highlighted by scientists when giving its definition. Generally they mark out two principal dimensions in the notion of the norm: the objective norm and the subjective norm. In conditions of community development, continuous linguistic and social changes, interdependent and interacting, the norm is a fundamental regulator of speech activity. It is clear that normative speech is the obligatory sign of well-educated, cultured person and the culture of sounding speech is an important aspect of national culture such as the culture of written word, communication or social life in general. The orthoepic German norm has been evolved in the process of Germanlanguage development. It is absolutely related to historical, social and culture processes. The norms are not invented by philologists, they reflect a certain stage of literary language development. In the article the role of the norm and its place in the language is defined and norm evolution in the process of language establishment and development is considered/
Keywords: norm, literary German language, variability, orthoepy, codification, development.
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