Координативна композита в американському спортивному медіадискурсі


Сторінки 61-65, Випуск 19, 2020 рік

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2019-19-13
Надійшла / Paper received : 06.09.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 04.11.2020

Хмельницький національний університет

Khmelnytskyi National University

Анотація мовою оригіналу

У статті розглянуто численні підходи до визначення типу композити в смачній англійській мові. Автор звертає увагу на координативний тип поєднання компонентів спортивної композити в американському медіадискурсі. Виділено основні форми та архітектоніку побудови спортивної координативної композити. Розглянуто сема тинку таких лексичних утворень та подано алгоритм визначення координативнизх композит.
Ключові слова: координативна композита, американський спортивний медіа дискурс, екзоцентрія, ендоцентрія, числівникові композити

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

Compound words are characterized by semantic and structural motivation due to the components that make up these words. The relationship between the components of compound words is quite complex, as they can change their meaning when creating a compound word. Moreover, there is a process of modification between the components of a compound word, and they themselves are subject to certain grammatical rules.
Depending on the combination of components, there are two types of relationships: subordinate and coordinate. In subordinate components, one component semantically affects (modifies) another. Coordinative compound words are formed copulatively (by combining), without the semantic influence of one component on another.
Coordinative compound words are primarily formed in colloquial layer of lexes. They are characterized by simple morphological form and semantic accuracy. However, coordinative-type compound words are not frequently used.
Components of coordinative compound words evenly share features of a basic component. They may represent a combination of synonyms and antonyms (sour-sweet), parallel notions of synonymic doublets (coach-trainer).
Moreover, coordinative compounds of American sports media discourse may be represented by compound words specific only to the aforementioned sphere. These lexical units may be formed with the help of pronouns, numeral, and proper names. A great deal of coordinative-type compound words use numeral to represent quantitative aspects of sports. They are always occasional and are not fixed in dictionaries as quantitative aspects they render may range within physical capacity of athletes and sports. Compound nouns that use proper names as their components always render a type of a match or characteristics of a certain sports event, in which people, whose names are indicated by the components, take part.
An algorithm to distinguish coordinative compounds from other types of compound lexical units has been elaborated.
Keywords: coordinative compound words, American sports media discourse, exo-centric relations, endo-centric relations, numeral-type compound words.


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