Кінодискурс як дворівнева система складників: функційний погляд



Сторінки 52-56, Випуск 25, 2022 рік

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2022-25-10


Національний університет кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Статтю присвячено проблемі моделювання структури кінодискурсу з функційного погляду. Висвітлено сутність поняття «кінодискурс» та з’ясувано його зв’язки із суміжними термінами, зокрема спростовано доцільність ототожнення таких понять, як «дискурс фільму», «телекінематографічний дискурс» і «кінематографічний дискурс» із кінодискурсом і доведено гіперонімність останнього. Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування функційного підходу до моделювання структури кінодискурсу з опертям на положення методики дискурс-аналізу та ідею про діадичність структури дискурсу як такого. Запропоновано зважати на дворівневість комунікації в кінодискурсі і, відповідно, виокремлювати в ньому екто- та ентоскладники (приклад продемонстровано на матеріалі документального кінофільму про Василя Стуса «Ваш Василь»).

Ключові слова: кінодискурс, етноскладник, ектоскладник, кінотекст, кінодіалог, кінорепліка, кінотрейлер, кіноанонс, кінослоган.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The article is devoted to the problem of modeling the structure of film discourse from a functional point of view.

The author explained the essence of the concept of “film discourse” and clarified its relationship with related terms. The article denies the expediency of identifying such concepts as “telecine cinematographic discourse” and “cinematographic discourse” with film discourse. The material proves the hyperonymic status of film discourse. It has been noticed that scientists use the following terms in film discourse studies: film text, film dialogue, film replica, film trailer, film announcement and film slogan. It has been determined that film dialogues, film replicas and film slogans are among them of a purely verbal nature. Movie texts, along with movie trailers and movie announcements, accumulate verbal and other semiotic signs. It is established that the connections between the groups of these concepts show the transition from the largest to the smallest: 1) film text – film dialogue – film replica; 2) film trailer – film announcement – film slogan.

The expediency of applying a functional approach to modeling the structure of film discourse based on the provisions of the methodology of discourse analysis and the idea of the dyadic nature of the structure of discourse as such is substantiated. However, it is also suggested to take into account the two levels of communication in film discourse (external level – collective author / audience; internal level – addressee character and addressee character) and to distinguish between ecto- and entocomponents.

Entocomponents are film texts with film dialogues and film lines. These are products of communicative activity that have a certain meaning and semiotic form that can convey this meaning. They are also marked by integrity, completeness and perform a variety of discourse functions, in addition to advertising.

Ectocomponents are film trailers, film announcements and film slogans, because they are the products of communicative activities that have their meaning and semiotic form, while being relatively complete and concise with a focus on the implementation of primarily advertising function.

It is determined that ento- and ectocomponents in the structure of film discourse interact with each other on the principle of hierarchical subordination. Ectocomponents are subordinated to ethnic components, despite the fact that external components have a wider functional palette.

It is proved that the relations between ento- and ectocomponents are established approximate identity, because movie trailers and movie announcements are almost always created on the basis of pre-borrowed frames, episodes and cues / dialogues from the main movie text. This was confirmed by a comparative analysis of the language organization of the film trailer and the film text of the documentary “Your Vasyl”.

Key words: film discourse, entocomponent, ectocomponent, film text, film dialogue, film replica, film trailer, film announcement, film slogan.