Сторінки 111-117, Випуск 27, 2023 рік

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2023-27-27


Хмельницький національний університет

Khmelnytskyi National University

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей трансформацій із метою максимально чіткого перекладу текстів із польської мови українською, зокрема проаналізовано різні типи граматичних трансформацій польської та української мов на прикладі оригіналу й перекладу роману Я. Вишневського «Самотність у мережі»; визначено, що найбільш поширеним типом граматичної трансформації є зміна синтаксичної структури речення (простого, складного, складного ускладненого), компресія й декомпресія, а малопродуктивним – дослівний переклад, оскільки він не може передати емоційно-експресивні відтінки в цільовій мові.

Ключові слова: синтаксис, граматичні трансформації, дослівний переклад, інверсія, синтаксична структура, компресія, декомпресія.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

Text translation often requires to preserve the author’s style, originality, and communicative intention. Preservation of the content of the work consists of the correct translation of the lexical part, which mainly does not cause difficulties since the appropriate lexemes are chosen based on the topic and need. Meanwhile, the syntactic structure is mostly dynamic and often can be different from the original, what is caused by the grammatical structure of each language.

The article is devoted to the study of the transformation peculiarities in order to translate texts from the Polish language into Ukrainian as accurately as possible. In particular, different types of grammatical transformations of the Polish and Ukrainian languages have been analyzed using the example of the original and the translated version of the novel «Loneliness on the Web» by Y. Vishnevsky.

Due to the peculiarities of the syntactic structure of the Polish language, inversion plays a significant part, which can be caused either by the structure of the language or by the requirement to convey the expressiveness of speech.

The change in the syntactic structure of a sentence is especially productive: the main and secondary parts of the sentence are transformed within a simple sentence, and therefore the structure of the sentence is complete/incomplete, one-member/ two-member. Complex sentences, compound sentences, and complex syntactic constructions in the process of translation can, of course, preserve their structure and typology, but a large number still differ from the structure in the target language.

One of the features of the Polish language is the absence of subject pronouns along with predicates expressed by past tense verbs, while they are present in the Ukrainian version, what predetermined a significant decompression of the target text. At the same time, we record many one-word concepts, which in the Ukrainian language are conveyed by word combinations, causing compressions.

The zero transformation turned out to be unproductive since it is mostly impossible to convey the content of the artistic text, its emotional and expressive shades in the target language by word-for-word translation.

We should note that the Polish and Ukrainian languages have several differences in the punctuation of sentences: in the Polish language, the optionality of punctuation marks often comes to the forefront when designing complex sentences and direct speech.

The artistic translation is a kind of challenge for the translator since the final result must preserve the unique style of the writer, and his originality, taking into account the sociocultural and ethnolinguistic contexts of both the original language and the target language. Therefore we can claim that the author of the translation of the novel «Loneliness on the Web» by Y. Vishnevsky managed to do it at such a high level.

Key words: syntax, grammatical transformations, word-for-word translation, inversion, syntactic structure, compression, decompression.